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FCA Sports Tri-Cities, WA

FCA Sports Tri-Cities, WA

FCA Soccer Coaches' Corner

Welcome to the FCA Soccer Coaches' Corner! This is your dedicated hub for all things related to our upcoming Soccer season.

Equipment Instructions

  • U6 & U8: White trailer next to the concessions.
    • Grab bags with the ORANGE BALLS on the left side of the trailer.
  • U10: White trailer next to the concessions.
    • Grab bags with NON-Orange balls on the right side of the trailer.
  • U12: Storage unit next to the big fields where you practice.
    • Grab any bag from the storage unit.
    • Cones: Inside the white trailer and the storage unit, there will be cones available. Feel free to grab some if you need or want them. (Just make sure to return back to trailer post practice.)
    • Pennies: All bags will have pennies included.
    • If you are a 5 PM coach:
      • Unlock the trailer and storage unit. (code: 7777 - yes they are the same code!)
      • Grab a bag for your practice.
      • If another team follows your practice, you can leave the bag you grabbed. Just ensure there is a proper handoff.
    • If you are a 6 PM coach:
      • Put the bag back after your practice.
      • Lock up the trailer if you are the last one.
    • This is a change from what was previously communicated. After years of losing balls, pennies, and cones, we believe this new process will help us maintain better gear and prevent losses over time.

    Thank you for your cooperation!

Practice Resources

  • Age-Specific Drills & Skills: Find drills designed to match the skill level and attention span of each age group. Once you click on link choose "skills" and or "drills" (Click Link)
  • Practice Plans: Download pre-made practice plans tailored to each division. U8 folder covers U8 & U6. U12 Folder covers U10 & U12.  (Click Link)

Game Day Resources

  • Soccer Rules & Regulations: Familiarize yourself with the league rules specific to each division. (Click Link)
  • Substitution Calculator : Easily organize your team’s lineup for game days. (Click Link)
  • Game Day Checklist
      • Pre-Game Preparation:
        • Confirm game time and location with the team a day before the game.
        • Ensure all necessary equipment is packed (balls, cones, pinnies, first-aid kit).
        • Prepare the lineup and any specific game strategies or goals for the team.
        • Remind players and parents about the importance of arriving on time.
      • Arrival (20 Minutes Before Kickoff):
        • Have the team arrive 20 minutes before the game.
        • Conduct a warm-up session (stretching, passing drills, etc.).
        • Review the game plan with the team.
      • 5 Minutes Before Kickoff:
        • Organize both teams to run around the boundary of the field, high-fiving parents along the sidelines.
        • Gather the team for a pre-game prayer as an individual team.
        • Give final encouragement and reminders to the players.
      • During the Game:
        • Manage substitutions according to the game plan.
        • Encourage players and provide constructive feedback.
        • Stay engaged and positive, modeling good sportsmanship.
      • Post-Game:
        • Thank referees.
        • Gather both teams at midfield for a post-game prayer.
        • Move off the field for a team snack and the player spotlight (highlight one or more players for their effort and performance).
      • After the Game:
        • Move off the field for a team snack and the player spotlight (highlight one or more players for their effort and performance).
        • Thank the parents and supporters for coming out.
        • Provide any updates or reminders for the next practice or game.
        • Ensure all equipment is collected and packed away.
      • Optional:
        • Capture a team photo if possible.
        • Encourage players to reflect on their performance and set goals for the next game.

Important Dates

  • Practice Start Date: Practices begin the week of August 26th.
  • First Game: September 7th
  • End of Season Celebration: October 19th
  • U12 Playoffs: October 26th

Coach Compliance

  • Head Coaches: In order to protect the safety of our athletes, if you are a Head Coach or a Spiritual Coordinator, you must first complete an FCA Ministry Leader Application (MLA). Click here to begin
  • Players Health Protect: You must register with Player’s Health Protect to complete a safe, secure background check, waivers, and SafeSport Training. Click here to register with Player’s Health Protect.

Additional Resources

  • Equipment Checklist: Ensure your team is fully equipped for practices and games.
    • U6 & U8: Size 3 Ball
    • U10 & U12: Size 4 Ball
    • Water Bottle
    • Shin Guards
    • Soccer Cleats

FCA Soccer Team Photos

We are pleased to be doing team photos for FCA Soccer again this year. Please contact us to schedule a time for your team's pictures. We will be shooting three Saturdays, September 14, 21 and 28 from 8:00am - 2:00pm times are available every 15 minutes. There will also be limited time available for pictures at practices for the weeks of Sept 9-13, Sept 16-20 and Sept 23-27. All photos must be done by Sept 28. You must contact us to schedule a time for your team.

Thank you,

Robert Palmer ([email protected])
On Location Photography
509-554-1575 (call or text)

Contact Us

For any questions or additional support, please reach out. (Email: [email protected])

For Devotion help please reach out to Amy Thornton. (Email: [email protected])


FCA Sports Tri-Cities
600 Shockley Rd 
Richland, Washington 99352

Email: [email protected]

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